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Dear Lindsay,

Where has the year gone?  Christmas is almost here again and as John Lennon implores of us every year, “and what have you done?”  This year we have a very different answer!

2012 witnessed some big changes at Financial Writers Australia as you might remember reading in our Spring edition.  Our industry has evolved immensely over the past decade.  I don’t need to explain; you know what I mean.  So in meeting the changing needs of the industry and our clients, we decided to fully review our services.

The outcome of that review was the sale of FWA's tailored writing service which was the basis of our business when we launched Words Unlimited in 2000. I am pleased to report that our writing clients are now in the capable hands of Wayne Britten at Ignition Creative who will care for them as we have over the past 12 years.

Looking forward.  Maybe Anne and I saw the writing on the wall when we started to build the Financial Articles Library back in 2004.  It has grown to become a highly respected and popular service amongst financial planners who know the importance of regular client contact. 

So our key focus is on ensuring this unique service continues to provide an affordable alternative in keeping your clients educated on all matters financial. 

And in keeping our own clients educated on the written word, we hope you enjoy and learn from this edition of Writers at Work.

This will be our last newsletter for 2012, so we'll get in early and wish you and your loved ones a magical Christmas and a blissful New Year!

Warm wishes, 

Julianne Bell & the FWA Team