Seven Tips to make your newsletter simply brilliant... continued
Following on from the first four steps in our last edition to help you deliver brilliant newsletters to your clients...
5. Keep your promise
If you start out promising a quarterly newsletter or a weekly ‘blog make sure you always deliver a quarterly newsletter or weekly ‘blog on time.
Miss one edition and you are sending dangerous messages to your clients. One message is that you’re too busy to fulfil your promises so you don’t really care about them. Or you’re so disorganised you haven’t been able to stay in touch which sends a message that you are unreliable.
Once you start, make sure you have a fail-proof system in place to communicate with your clients on time, every time.
6. Love doing it
Your commitment and passion should ring loudly in your readers’ ears as they read every word of your communication.
Have you ever read something that was so boring or disjointed that you just knew it was “thrown together” without a care? If you’re going to do something, do it well and love doing it.
If you’re no longer passionate about your current form of client communication, investigate new ways to educate your clients. But always start by asking your clients what is best for them. After all, they’re the ones you’re communicating with!
7. Ask for help
When you’re struggling to maintain regular client contact, it's time to ask for help.
If you don't have time to write your own content, can’t meet your deadlines or you’ve lost your passion, use alternative sources such as the Financial Articles Library.
And remember, if you’re not communicating with your clients and COIs, somebody else is...
(If you missed the first four tips in our last edition, read them here.)